Yo Ho Ho
and a bottle of rum

Avast me hearties! We be the crew of the notorious RUM JUGGERNAUT. 

Our Captain, an old seadog,  who responds to the name Owain, guides our ship through troubled waters and ensures our success on the open seas. One thing be sure, don't try to get inter th' grog behind his back or ye might end up gettin keelhauled!

Our First Mate, a vicious bucco by the name Chantal, runs a tight ship and ensures everything is ship shape. She can often be heard shouting 'heave ho', 'hang em from the yardarm' and 'splice the mainbrace!' Watch out for Chantal, you do not want to cross her or her cutlass!

The third member of our bully crew is a fearsome Scallywag called Tally. Tally keeps a lookout for ships ripe for plunder and on occasion can be heard shouting 'thar she blows' on the sighting of the mother of all whales off the starboard bow.  

Batten down th' hatches, make three sheets to th' wind and let our swashbuckling adventures begin!


Rum Juggernaut, 
Somewhere on the open seas, 
Great Britain.

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